Your pain and tension tells a story

Ever wondered why certain tensions in your body never seem to go away?

Despite how much time you spend stretching or money for massage, some always seem to come back again and again. There may be deeper reasons for these layers of tensions to be there, and to understand what they're trying to tell you, you have to go within to uncover stress responses that may be unresolved from years ago.

For example, have you ever been in a yoga pose, where all of a sudden, without rhyme or reason, you feel strong emotions surging up?

It's because our body stores memories.​

In last week's email, I spoke about how our symptoms are only one part of the entire story of why we have certain aches, pains, tensions, and imbalances.​

Every time when the nervous system's natural responses (fight/flight/freeze) are halted due to the circumstances, the stress responses are unable to go through their natural cycles to completion, and thereby become stored inside the body.

Tension, like other symptoms we may experience, our ways our body protects us.

More importantly, it tell us that something is wrong internally OR externally, and we need to do something about it.

But we need to learn how to listen and inquire within to know what we need to change and how we can nurture ourselves.

Check out the following video for strategies on how to tune into our body's important messages.


How to afford self-care


"You are as old as your spine"