How to afford self-care

You work hard so that you can afford self care...whether with time or money.

But that time you CRAVE for self-care never seems to materialize.

Unfortunately, most of us don’t realize self-care is not something you buy or wait until you have time for.

It’s a way of life.

It comes down to being intentional with your time.


Instead of living reactively to other people’s demands and needs, you get to live intentionally and on your own terms.

It may sound complicated, but it really requires only a few steps.

  1. What is one activity that is not aligned to help you towards your personal/health/wellbeing goals? (i.e., scrolling for 20 minutes first thing in the morning on your phone)

  2. What is one activity that you would LOVE to do but never seem to have time for? (i.e., meditate for 10 minutes in the mornings)

  3. Replace #1 activity with #2 (i.e., replace morning scrolling with meditation)

  4. Rinse + repeat

Yes, while it is simple on paper, it can be incredibly challenging to implement.

​Habits are hard to change, hence starting with just one thing you would like to eliminate, and one thing you would like to replace it with, is key.

When you prioritize others’ needs and demands before yours (i.e., what you friends are up to on Instagram), what does that inherently say about how you view yourself?

​When you prioritize yourself, those self-care things you’ve always wanted to do naturally happen.

​When you prioritize yourself, you become the woman who takes care of herself.


A more helpful breathing technique for flare-ups, anxiety, and overwhelm


Your pain and tension tells a story