What does tension in our heart tell us?
Elaine Oyang Elaine Oyang

What does tension in our heart tell us?

The tension we feel in our body oftentimes can be mapped to certain traumas, past stressors, and repressed memories and emotions that have become "stuck" in our systems. The heart region is a place where emotions of loss, grief, heartbreak, and mistrust can harbor, cultivating more rigidity in this area that it already does due to its anatomical configurations and our modern lifestyles. Learn what physical and emotional symptoms occur when the heart region becomes rigid.

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Your pain and tension tells a story
Elaine Oyang Elaine Oyang

Your pain and tension tells a story

Ever wondered why certain tensions in your body never seem to go away?

Despite how much time you spend stretching or money for massage, some always seem to come back again and again. There may be deeper reasons for these layers of tensions to be there, and to understand what they're trying to tell you, you have to go within to uncover stress responses that may be unresolved from years ago.

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