Inner conflict, chaos, and a remedy for chronic neck tension
Elaine Oyang Elaine Oyang

Inner conflict, chaos, and a remedy for chronic neck tension

In my honest opinion, this practice is a better option if you're dealing with chronic neck pain and headaches. This practice positions the neck and head in their neutral positions, which naturally allows for decompression of the neck. The head, being so heavy, can create a strenuous load for the neck if not aligned properly. With this practice, you give the neck an opportunity to fully release the strain, the constrictions, and the rigidity that it carries.

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Your pain and tension tells a story
Elaine Oyang Elaine Oyang

Your pain and tension tells a story

Ever wondered why certain tensions in your body never seem to go away?

Despite how much time you spend stretching or money for massage, some always seem to come back again and again. There may be deeper reasons for these layers of tensions to be there, and to understand what they're trying to tell you, you have to go within to uncover stress responses that may be unresolved from years ago.

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Gentle Movement for Chronic Pain Relief: Shoulders + Wrists
Elaine Oyang Elaine Oyang

Gentle Movement for Chronic Pain Relief: Shoulders + Wrists

Movement and exercise for chronic pain is tricky. Move too little, and we may feel trapped in the fear and limitations of our chronic pain. Move too much, and we may risk further irritating the nervous system, causing more flares and inflammation.

So, what’s a person to do?

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13-Minute Practice for Managing Chronic Pain
Elaine Oyang Elaine Oyang

13-Minute Practice for Managing Chronic Pain

The debilitating impact of chronic pain can render a person completely hopeless and frustrated. Though the common advice from doctors is usually to do “gentle exercises,” the thought of exercising can be daunting and seemingly impossible.

Yoga practices, especially ones that are therapeutically-oriented and slower-paced, where options and variations are provided for various types of range of motion, can be very helpful in alleviating certain symptoms while gently mobilizing the physical body.

In the 13-min video above, I offer an accessible, gentle yoga practice with the options of practicing reclined on the floor or bed, or seated on a chair. The sequence guides you through mobilizing common areas of the body that hold tension, such as hips and legs, as well as through the spine and upper back. You can choose one or the other variation depending on the day and how your body feels that day!

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