"You are as old as your spine"

You are as old as your spine." -- Chinese proverb

The ancient yogis also had a similar saying:

"You are as young and healthy as your spine is strong and supple."

Our spines are built to be strong and supple, yet the stress and rigors of daily life have made our spine rigid, desiccated, and vulnerable.

​Have you ever noticed that when you encounter any stressful or unpleasant situations, your body and your spine "stiffen up?"

​It's a result of our ancient primal wiring of fight-or-flight, but today, our predators are no longer big, carnivorous beasts, but deadlines, traffic, jobs and careers, relationships, socioeconomic status, a PANDEMIC, pollution, family affairs, news and media, wars, rent and mortgage, and all the other requirements for living a 21st century life.

Then there are our internal predators of worrying, fretting, over-strategizing, over-planning, overdoing, over-thinking, perfectionism, crowd-pleasing...and more!

And let's not forget that we even impose rigidity onto our spine by not allowing our body to move in the ways that it is meant to move.

What we're left now is a tired and frail spine who's had enough.

So, what to do?

​Let us breathe "life" back into our spine.

Try out this 6-min gentle, restorative practice to restore your awareness and tender nurture back into your spine.

All you'll need is a comfortable place to lie down on your side!


Your pain and tension tells a story


For the stressed and depleted women who do too much