On healing old wounds
Elaine Oyang Elaine Oyang

On healing old wounds

I once stepped on a small piece of glass that got lodged inside my right heel. It was so small that at first I didn't see it still stuck in my flesh, and I had thought that the stinging sensation I kept feeling was because my flesh got pricked and it was healing.

After 4 days, the skin over the wound had closed, and yet, I was still feeling a sensitivity everytime I put pressure in that area of my heel. The soreness was dull enough that I could ignore it most of the time, but I also found myself babying my right heel and walking with a slight gait to avoid putting too much pressure. I noticed my entire body becoming tense, rigid, contracted when I had to put my heel down as I went down the stairs.

Though on surface level, everything appeared fine, but the wound itself hadn’t really healed yet. A glass piece must still be lodged in there, and I decided I needed to do something about it.

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